St Andrew’s has a long history with the PWA (Presbyterian Women’s Association). We have both a Day and Evening PWA at St Andrew’s and a PWA at Belconnen. The Day PWA will celebrate its 90th birthday this year (2019), which is interesting as that was 1929 – before the church was built! The Evening PWA celebrated its 60th birthday in 2016. The women involved in the PWA have been a vital support to the wider church and our Canberra community as well as those further abroad.
We are a friendly group of ladies and are always looking for new members to come and join us. We each meet once a month for our meetings, except in January, but we are also involved in more frequent activities, including roles at church services, catering, fundraising and missions support. If you would like to get to know some more women of the church a little better and contribute to the important work that we do for the church then please get involved!
Day PWA: First Thursday of the month at 12 noon for lunch in the church hall followed by our meeting.
Evening PWA: First Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the church hall for our meeting with supper afterwards. For our July and August meetings we will meet in members’ homes; as well as our December meeting.
Belconnen PWA: Third Friday of the month at 10 am at Belconnen church.
The Secretary of each PWA can be contacted through the Church Office on:
(02) 6295 3457 or email on