Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

Church Hall 1 State Circle, Forrest, ACT, Australia

The men of the Church get together throughout the year for an early morning breakfast and to listen to a speaker. They are usually held early on Saturday mornings. A [...]

Holiday Club Training

Church Hall 1 State Circle, Forrest, ACT, Australia

Our leaders will meet in the hall to prepare for 'More than Gold' Holiday Club from 10am to midday on Saturday 15 June.

Dinner Groups

Meet together with others in our Parish over a meal. Feel free to invite a friend. Our dinner groups evenings are a relaxed way to get to know more people [...]


St Andrew’s 9.30am Service

Church of St Andrew 1 State Circle FORREST, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Our 9.30am service on Sundays at St Andrew's is our traditional service with organ, choir, and minister preaching from the pulpit. We meet in the hall afterwards for morning tea. [...]


Weston Creek Worship Service

Weston Creek Presbyterian Church 30 Mahony Court, Weston, ACT, Australia

Our smaller service at our church is Weston is the perfect size for those who attend for worship and fellowship. Join us any Sunday for the 9.30am service at our [...]


Belconnen Worship Service

Belconnen Presbyterian Church

We meet at 10am for worship at our Belconnen Church. Join our small gathering for praise and prayer together.

Light Rail Community Pop Up

Church Hall 1 State Circle, Forrest, ACT, Australia

There will be a drop in information session after the morning worship service on Sunday 16 June. It will be open to the public and will facilitate discussion about the [...]

Sunday Dinner Group

Margaret D is running another lunch dinner group after morning church for some older members of the congregation. Contact the Church Office if this sounds a good way for you [...]


Church@5 Contemporary Service

Church of St Andrew 1 State Circle FORREST, Canberra, ACT, Australia

Our Church@5 service with the band and modern worship songs is on each Sunday at 5pm at St Andrew's. Stay for prayer or supper together afterwards. During January join us [...]

Coffee Morning

Meet with our church folks for coffee and a chat. Monday 17 June at 10.30am at Rocksalt at Hawker Shops.